Connecticut/New Haven County Settlement






Notice to the Principal is notice to the Agent and Notice to the Agent is Notice to the Principal.



We the sovereign people living on the land in New Haven County, Connecticut, a Free and Independent Nation, in order to live together in harmony under common law of the Almighty Creator, to facilitate the avoidance of disputes; to facilitate the quick settlement of disputes which might arise; to provide for organized defense of life, liberty and private property, to protect and administer public property for the benefit of the inhabitants; and to make certain limited agreements with other settlements of sovereign people for mutual benefit ordain common accord and recognition the following:



Date: Monday March 3rd 2025

COMES NOW, Inhabitants of Connecticut Nation by ABSOLUTE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS, and with absolute resolve rebut all corporate authority!

County Settlement Covenant in all 8 Counties:

Original Assembly and Library of Records on date: Date: December 28th 2024

Gives this County Settlement Announcement

New Haven, Connecticut Nation Settlement Covenant and in harmony with all 8 counties we find.


Article One

By Almighty God granting us Freedom: By unanimous decree the Local people(s) in Local Peaceable Lawful Assembly; in Settlement Covenant in Connecticut, a Free and independent Nation, a member Free and Independent Nations with other free and Independent Nations all known as Republic for the united state for America; set forth the following affirmations:

Section 1 – Local-people in Family of Man and Woman centered in ALMIGHTY God live on Local-land and use Way-land in People Jurisdiction in Grace affirmed by the authority of The Unanimous Declaration of Independence, cir. 1776 and Bill of Rights Articles, the 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, c.1787-1791-r2025 and beyond; beyond the reach of predator others; and also living in Friend(ship) and in Peace Treaty(s) c.1789-1791 and beyond; beyond the reach of predator others; and also affirmed by Section 1 of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, cir 1639, for Connecticut, a Free and Independent state, circa 2025.